Benefits of Vehicle Wrapping

Outdoor media play a vital role in the media mix, according to a study by Arbitron, Inc., an international media and marketing research firm serving outdoor media, radio broadcasters, cable companies, advertisers and advertising agencies in Europe, because it reaches consumers missed by other media and enhances exposure of other media. Outdoor media reach consumers not exposed or only lightly exposed to newspaper and local television, for example, and are complimentary to radio campaigns.

Outdoor media also reaches the entire socioeconomic spectrum of Europeans, according to the study. People with heavy vehicle mileage and long commutes are more difficult to reach with both the newspaper -- almost one out of three Europeans do not read a daily newspaper anyway -- and local TV news broadcasts. On the contrary, the study showed that virtually every European (96 percent) travels in a vehicle each week as either a driver or a passenger.

So by nature, commuters are an exceptional advertising target in terms of both income and consumption habits. Thirty-five percent of heavy commuters come from households earning £40,000 +, compared to only 23 percent for the U.K. average income profile. This group is likely to be aged between 25 and 54.

Moreover, the Arbitron study concludes consumers that are reached repeatedly with a message show higher advertiser awareness, brand recall and purchase behavior. Vehicle wrapping, then, offers advertisers an excellent opportunity to reach commuters on the highways and city streets.

Wrapped vehicles not only place messages in front of target consumers, they also provide the opportunity for direct customer contact through coupon distribution, sampling and other promotional tactics.

Vehicles by the Numbers

The cost of advertising over the life of the vehicle is a miniscule amount,compared with conventional advertising

.According to the Transportation Advertising Council, a division of the OAAA, vehicle advertising generates between 30,000-70,000 daily vehicular impressions.

Driving Revenues, a vehicle-advertising firm in Washington, broke those numbers down even further and compared vehicle wrapping head-on against other forms of advertising. Here is what they found a £10,000 investment buys:

Vehicle signage garners about 8.4 million impressions in a 12-month period.
Radio attracts 900,000 listeners in six weeks with 10 to 12 30-second spots.
Value Pak offers a reach of 600,000 with 100,000 addresses per drop and your client is just one of many advertisers included in the packet.
Direct mail reaches 20,000 names with one post card mailer.
Seven city buses get 600,000 impressions in two months.
Billboards get 700,000 impressions in one month.

Case Studies Prove the Point

Wrap It Ltd., charges between £1,000 and £2,000 for a vehicle wrap that lasts fo rfive years. In this scenario, the return on the investment could be even greater than the figures listed above.
Wrap It Ltd owner Jamie says there is no other form of advertising for which small businesses can choose that comes even close to the cost per impression of vehicle wrapping.

“An advertisement in the yellow pages costs up to £8,000 for one year for a display ad,“And your competitors are right there with you and you have to wait for someone to decide to pick up the yellow pages.”

wrapped vehicles are one of the only mediums that people make an effort to view. Could vehicle advertisers like Nike, Reebok, Proctor & Gamble, Lycos Sports, Kraft Foods and Coca-Cola be wrong?

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